The Worlds tallest toilet???

20131028_204448Argentina is famed for a many number of things, its the 8th largest country in the world, they have the only head of state who admits to being bipolar, that Diego Maradona guy etc. More importantly my current residence, Hostel Estoril, has what is potentially the tallest toilet I have ever sat on. You can see from the standard size bottle of shampoo in the picture that this is most defintely not a childs seat. Unfortunately, as it would be too strange for me to ask for a tape measure and then take it into a toilet, I have not stated the exact height of the bowl but I can confirm I cannot rest my feet flat on the ground when sat down.

Brazilian cash point turmoil!!!!

So after one full day of being in Rio and seeing a few of the sites I noticed my cash flow was starting to run out Reals. Sadly there wasnt a cash point near to my hostel on the Copacobana strip so I had to walk slightly further a field and found one in a Metro station. My joy in finding said cash point (a Santander ATM) was short lived when my travel cash card refused to work, leaving me rejected by words in a random and foreign tongue. Now this was a pretty big inconvenience as I wanted to get a bottle of coke (500ml size in Brazil) and it was out of my grasp. Would I ever get a bottle of coke? Would I ever be able to take out money in a foreign land? And would I be able to fulfill the dream of drinking a coke by the beach?





